The movement of Spirit is such a mystery at times and yet it is our moment-to-moment experience. When I am still and just paying attention it’s obvious that the life force that created us is constantly creating us. That may sound a little strange, but I’ve come to recognize that whatever is happening within me and around me, the movement of Spirit is behind it.
Whatever emotion is arising in the moment, it isn’t random, it isn’t an ‘accident’ it is the movement of Spirit on my consciousness, so what is reflected is where I am in consciousness at the moment. At times it may seem foreign or to have an external source but what I’m feeling is never external, it is something within me that may be triggered by outer events but the movement within (the e-motion) is based on what is within me not what is external (is anything really external anyway?)
I feel blessed by this perspective because I am then able to move toward whatever is going on within rather than trying to get away from it the way I did for so much of my life. It has taken many years of practice and it is an ongoing process but somewhere along the line I seem to have reached a kind of tipping point where the old way of seeing and reacting lost much of its power and a more Spirit-centered way has taken precedence. It feels more balanced somehow; whether I’m joyful or doleful I know Spirit is guiding me where soul wants me to go. It takes a little exploration at times but when I am open there is always gratitude in the end.
By the way, none of this is personal; even though I use I and me, I am very aware that whatever arises is part of the greater consciousness of which we are all part. We are Source experiencing physicality and we are constantly being informed by It.