There is something powerful going on in our world and it is often very uncomfortable to say the least. I feel a deep sense of loss behind so much of the rhetoric and hatred that is being expressed these days in particular by Trump supporters in the US.
It’s easy to want to dismiss those who are acting so aggressively toward anyone who does not agree with them as ignorant yet if we look a bit deeper we see a very loud cry of pain and hopelessness. This is not as unusual as one might think. When I consider the times I wanted to lash out at others because I was in pain and didn’t know what else to do about it I can more clearly see the pain that is driving this very chaotic and out of control movement.
It would seem some kind of tipping point has been reached because we as a society have not addressed the real problem; the pain behind the hate. And why not? Because generally speaking most people have no idea how to deal with their own pain in compassionate and healthy ways let alone anyone else’s.
I believe most people learned to distract, medicate, dismiss, project, blame and hate in order to alleviate pain but what is usually not done is an assessment as to whether or not the attitudes and actions taken when pain is experienced are actually working to provide what is needed or not.
There is a real tragedy involved here because when pain goes unheeded for so long and someone comes along to cheer this ineffective behaviour along it is not only destructive on a mass scale but it is also very difficult to stop because there is so much support for it. It’s difficult enough to change directions and move toward our pain with compassion and understanding when we actually want to let alone when we have no idea how and there is so much momentum and a kind of glee in exacting revenge.
I have gotten caught up far too much in the fear and fascination with this bizarre revolution. No more. I know there is another way and I for one am determined to bring as much light and compassion into the energies as I possibly can. I know I’ll trip and fall along the way but I can always get back up and start again.
Anyone care to join me?