Sunday afternoon I noticed subtle feelings of just being off, you know, where you don’t know why but you don’t feel up, so to speak. Then Monday I noticed myself internally wanting to distance myself from people, wanting to push people away as the discomfort within became more obvious.

There really wasn’t any particular event that triggered these feelings, they just arose as they sometimes do especially after extended periods of feeling quite joyful. So, I chose to pay attention and to make space for the feelings and notice what I was thinking. It certainly wasn’t anything new, same old beliefs reminding me they are still part of me, so I didn’t reject them, I let down my resistance and just breathed with them with gentleness and kindness, inviting the healing energy of Grace to enter.

There is something supremely soft and soothing and heart opening about this practice. So today I am feeling a lot of compassion and a deeper sense of connection with myself and my beloved and people in general. Everything feels mellower and gentle and I am feeling a lot of gratitude.

It isn’t a complicated practice, but it is counter intuitive when you’re used to resisting rather than allowing. But practice does make for progress, and I highly recommend it.
