About Yvonne Racine

Yvonne Racine, Life Celebrant and Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, is passionately committed to teaching people how to move through the changes of life so they can be free to live fully and enjoy life again. With 25 years of experience working with people in the transformation of their lives, Yvonne not only has the training to be a Grief Recovery Specialist but also has the experience necessary to see them through.

Christmas with Meaning

Two days until Christmas and not a lot is happening because we don’t do much more than one or two jobs a day. The joys of being retired! We love it! There is some cleaning

By |2021-12-23T22:16:44+00:00December 23rd, 2021|Blog|

Winter Solstice Musings

Let us fully engage in the darkness of this day Let us embrace the light that shines through And let us rejoice for we are blessed to be here Now, in this time and place,

By |2021-12-21T18:39:37+00:00December 21st, 2021|Blog|

Christmas Joy

One week till Christmas and all through the house there are lots of decorations, but you’d be hard pressed to find gifts. That’s because we don’t buy gifts anymore, at least not many and not

By |2021-12-18T20:28:36+00:00December 18th, 2021|Blog|

Winter Wonderland

Wow! What else can I say about our beautiful world today? It’s gently snowing, -20C and absolutely stunning. I have to admit I’m grateful I don’t have to drive around in it but walking around

By |2021-12-16T21:52:04+00:00December 16th, 2021|Blog|

Let It Be

Funny, I just don’t feel much like blogging these days. Not sure why exactly but I’ve just been going with it. That’s kind of my motto these days, whatever is going on inside me, just

By |2021-12-13T23:16:06+00:00December 13th, 2021|Blog|

Loss and Grief

I’m in a different kind of space today. Found out this morning that a neighbour died this week. Totally unexpected heart attack. We only knew him to chat as we went by each other on

By |2021-12-10T23:09:01+00:00December 10th, 2021|Blog|


Today’s journal musings were centered around defensiveness and humiliation. As I opened to seeing what was behind some of my most recent defensive feelings, I realized that there was fear of being misunderstood and humiliation

By |2021-12-07T21:57:41+00:00December 7th, 2021|Blog|

Breaking Through

What a difference a day makes, both in temperature and how I feel. It may be a lot colder out, but I feel 100% better after a wee bout with the old sinus yesterday. The

By |2021-12-05T23:04:36+00:00December 5th, 2021|Blog|


Still having fun playing with opposites and now it’s gone a bit deeper to hanging out with that ‘container’, which is what I am, where the opposites play themselves out. I think it’s always important

By |2021-12-03T22:00:39+00:00December 3rd, 2021|Blog|

More on Opposites

And the beat goes on with the play of opposites. I noticed myself starting to feel kind of rushed today since I didn’t get up very early and I have some prep work to do

By |2021-12-01T22:46:45+00:00December 1st, 2021|Blog|
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