New Year’s Eve, eve. A beautiful, very cold, very bright and sunshiny day, perfect for staying home and staying warm and puttering about. Some of my ‘puttering’ includes thinking and journaling as I prepare to do the talk at Unity this Sunday which will culminate in our Burning Bowl Ceremony. This ritual is about releasing what no longer serves us as we move into the New Year.
So, I was writing some thoughts about that and wondering about what I want to release. There are some obvious things of course but I, as usual, wanted to go deeper, get into the heart of the matter if you will. I was digging around trying to figure out what I really need to release so that I can grow into my vision, and it didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere. I seemed to be missing the mark somehow. Then I realized I need to ask for a little help from my Soul. So, I took a breath, relaxed and started writing again. One of the first things I wrote was’ I really have to let go of trying so hard’…Bingo! It was just too obvious; I need to let go of trying so hard and let things evolve which is what my greatest learning is so far in the spiritual direction program.
I’ve been such a keener, always wanting to go further, deeper, faster and now I’m seeing the limitations in that approach to life. It was likely more appropriate when I was younger and I’m grateful for all the experiences it afforded me but that doesn’t mean it’s still the best way for me to live. That’s the thing with evolving consciousness, the things that worked and were right for us at one stage of the journey can eventually become obstacles so it’s important to stay open to letting go.