Well into our second session of Spiritual Direction training and I am still so loving it. I am amazed at how everything seems new even if it’s stuff I’ve learned before. It’s a never-ending spiral of evolution in realization and understanding when we stay open to what we can learn whether we’ve heard it all before or not.
One thing I’m learning is how to go much deeper into the meaning of scripture or other spiritual writings so that I can glean from them what I need in the moment. This is not metaphysics or taking someone else’s ideas about what things mean but just prayerfully opening to communing with the Divine in a way that is meaningful and helpful to me right now, exactly where I am. As I’ve practiced this a few times now I’m always amazed at what comes of it. There is so much richness in life when we look for it.
I’m going to be sharing this practice in my talk at Unity of Edmonton this Sunday. They say you learn best by teaching others as you learn. I can’t wait! I so love sharing what I learn!