Just as the weather seems to be fluctuating all over the map these days, so it is with my emotions these days. I often find myself weeping, especially when I read anything in the news. I seem to be feeling things more deeply for some reason and my heart is often broken. Broken open thank God because I’m not trying to get rid of those feelings of grief but rather letting the feelings wash over me and then remembering my purpose, to serve Divine Love. In that moment of remembering, I feel Love flowing through that broken heart out into the world.
That is the point of transformation, isn’t it? To take what is here in the moment and make it into something greater, something true and real and uplifting. The pain is here and so is Love; to deny the pain is to deny love because that means closing my heart which is how I dealt with pain all my life. It helped me to survive at times, but those times are long over. Now there is understanding and willingness to be what I always longed for, Love. It isn’t about circumstances, it’s a choice, one I have to make over and over and over because the old ways of shutting out pain, and people, are so deeply embedded in the psyche. But Love is embedded even deeper, I just have to let it out.